CUSTOMER CARE +39 011 2730000

Density gradient column

The instrument is used for measuring the density of various plastic materials.

Available in two versions: a single column or dual column so that it can cover the maximum density range.

The test temperature is 23 degrees. C. (+ / -1 Deg. C.) and the accuracy of the instrument can reach 0.0001 g / cm3.

The test is run by filling the column with liquids of different densities so that along the column will establish a gradient.

Reference standards: ASTM D 1505, DIN 53479, ISO 823 D method, ISO 1183.

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AMSE S.r.l.

Strada della Cebrosa 86
10156 Turin (TO) – Italy

Telephone: +39 011 2730000

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  • +39 011 2730000


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