CUSTOMER CARE +39 011 2730000

Thermal test

Thermal measurement HDT Vicat

AMSE offers a complete range of instrument for the determination of polymers HDT and Vicat temperatures according to ISO 75, ISO 306, ASTM D648, ASTM D1525 and other equivalent.

Climatic chambers

AMSE offers a complete range of climatic chambers with temperature and humidity control.

Vacuum oven

Vacuum oven Mod.40 Liter

Forced ventilation and natural air convection oven

Professional forced ventilation and natural air convection oven suitable for all thermostatic applications where a specific precision is needed.

Compact oven and compact incubator

Professional natural air convection oven and incubator for small scale thermostatic applications.

Refrigerated incubator

Professional incubator ideal for all incubating applications particularly where the need to work below room temperature is needed.


Professional incubator ideal for all incubating applications where a specific precision is required.

Muffle furnace

Muffle furnace especially conceived for thermic treatment, cementation, refiring and normalization.

Carbon Black

AMSE offers an instrument for the determination of the carbon black content according to ISO 2530 and ASTM D 1603.

AMSE S.r.l.

Strada della Cebrosa 86
10156 Turin (TO) – Italy

Telephone: +39 011 2730000

Helpful Information


  • +39 011 2730000


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